The Gentle Art of Gelliping (Gelli Printing!!) : 1 year course starting Sat 14 October 2023 : Deposit
- This year long online workshop will be looking in depth at many different ways of using the gelli plate.
- £120.00
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Treat yourself to a year of exciting learning and play with me. I wrote one of the first books about gelli printing 7 years ago (yikes!!) and have discovered even more since then. I will share everything I know about using these wonderful printing plates, as a superb artists tool, together with ways to use the prints you make.
This year long online workshop will be looking in depth at many different ways of using the gelli plate. I will be sharing 15 techniques, working through from simple textures to more complex layering and other processes we can add to our gelliping repertoire . We will also be looking at lots of ways to use all these prints, rather than just putting them away in a drawer. Creating books, art prints, stitched artwork and collages will be covered, along with elements and principles of design
But you will also learn a lot more than how to make fabulous gelli prints. Additional videos in the course will cover making stamps and simple lino cutting, making your own stencils, making rubbing and collagraph plates and creating simple masks. More videos will cover paint qualities, including opacity and transparency; creating your own transparent paints; colour theory; making and using procion dyes and the many different subtrates we can use for gelli printing
I’ve had my gelli plate for 8 years now – and I just love it. And I discover new techniques just about every time I use it – so the 15 techniques may have increased by January
So, if yours is languishing in a cupboard, or you want some extra inspiration, or if you haven’t even leapt on the gelliping bandwagon yet (there must be someone who hasn’t?) – then come and join me for a year’s playtime with this wonderful tool
Although this is an extensive course, no experience is necessary: a willingness to experiment is all you need. And for those already addicted – I hope you will find lots to add to your stash of ideas.
The course will be delivered into a Facebook classroom as usual, with 2 - 4 videos added once a fortnight. I will be available for the duration of the course to help. advise, chat or answer questions. Numbers will be limited to facilitate this
Cost is £40/month, payable quarterly. Your deposit of £120 on booking, covers the first 3 months